Acupuncture Near Me

How to find an acupuncturist

So you’ve googled ‘acupuncture near me’ and found all your local acupuncturists… but which one to try? It’s not just about convenient locations after all. There are some steps you can take to make sure your local acupuncturist is qualified, insured, and registered. After that, you can narrow it down further by looking for acupuncturists specialised in the issue you’re looking for help with, or check out their social media pages for reviews. If that still leaves you stumped, just give them a call and have a chat! The best ones will be happy to go through what they do and how they do it. 


  1. Check the registers for local acupuncturists near you – if they’re on either one of these registers, they will be qualified and insured. 


2. Check that the premises they’re working from are licensed for acupuncture by visiting your local council’s website – the local council will inspect acupuncture clinics and issue a license if the premises is clean and safe. 


What credentials should an acupuncturist have?


In the UK, acupuncture isn’t statutory regulated which means there is no legal requirement to have any qualifications in order to practice. However, to get a premises license, acupuncturists must provide evidence of training (although there is no minimum standard), and display safe practice – how this is judged depends on the local council’s regulations, which will differ across areas of the UK. 


In general, most acupuncturists will have a diploma or degree in acupuncture. Don’t be afraid to ask your potential acupuncturist about their studies. Many acupuncturists who trained in China will also be trained as doctors in western medicine as their medical schools fully incorporate both traditional and modern medicine. 


How do I know if an acupuncturist is qualified?


Ask them! Or you can check to see if they’re registered with a regulatory body (see links above). Although registering is not mandatory in the UK, so you will get some qualified acupuncturists who are not registered but you won’t find an acupuncturist who is registered without qualifications. Both the ATCM and the BAcC are regulatory bodies with high standards of entry so you won’t find any weekend-course-qualified acupuncturists there. 


How do I find a good acupuncturist?


Firstly, figure out what’s important to you, it is qualifications, experience, location…? I personally believe the best way to find an acupuncturist is to try a few and see who you gel with. The most important thing in any therapeutic relationship is that you feel comfortable, relaxed, and trust the practitioner. You’ll only know how they are if you actually meet them. A good acupuncturist will make you feel welcome, heard, and give you the information you need to help yourself.

Going to your sessions should be something you look forward to, never another ‘appointment’ you’ve got to make. Lastly, always look for a word of mouth referral or ask around your trusted friends. The internet is great too, you can check out reviews and get more information on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. 


I hope you find a gem!